Bright Star
"Bright Star" is a musical written and composed by Steve Martin and Edie Brickell. Set in the American South during the 1920s and 1940s, the show tells the story of Alice Murphy, a literary editor with a mysterious past. The narrative alternates between two timelines, exploring Alice's youth and the events that shaped her life. The musical is a heartfelt tale of love, loss, and redemption, with a bluegrass and folk-infused score that complements its Southern setting. Bright Star explores themes of forgiveness, second chances, and the enduring power of storytelling.
Assistant to the Lighting Designer
As an assistant to the Lighting Designer, I worked with our designer very closely to ensure that the lighting of the show was completed and the designers ideas were realized. I had tasks to do during tech these were.
Attending every day of tech to take notes for the LD
Working with the LD ad both Spot operators to communicate the LDs visions for the lighting of characters
Helping with lighting issues during tech runs
Photos By Michael Shoaf
Lighting/Sound: Michael Shoaf Costume Design: Delta Childers-Smith Scenic Design: Nolan O'Dell Technical Director: Reid Parker
Spot Sheet Tracker
Went through the script and notated every scene/song that needed a spotlight
Using a Google Sheets template that my Lighting Designer provided, I created a master list with individual sheets for each spotlight
After each night of tech talked with the Lighting Designer and made changes to each sheet