The Trail to Oregon
"The Trail to Oregon!" is a musical comedy that parodies the classic computer game "The Oregon Trail" and follows a fictional family on their journey westward in the 19th century. The musical, created by StarKid Productions, incorporates humor, satire, and a choose-your-own-adventure format. The story revolves around the hardships and misadventures of the family as they face challenges like river crossings, diseases, and encounters with various characters. The musical is known for its comedic elements, catchy songs, and interactive audience engagement, making it a light-hearted and entertaining production that pays homage to the pioneer spirit of the Oregon Trail while adding a comedic twist.
Lighting Designer
As the Lighting designer I worked with the Directors and had different tasks, these included:
Working with the directors and other members of the production team to create deadlines for the show
Making changes and adjustments pre/post-tec
Creating a cue sheet for the stage manager to call during the show
Performing a channel check before each tech and show
Photos by Reagan Cochrane
Scenic Design: Alex Reagan
Technical Director: James Giles
Lighting Design: Joeanna Pellettere
Sound Design: Carson Phillips
Costume Design: Abbie Haynes, James Parker
Photos by Reagan Cochrane
LX Cue Sheet
Worked closely with the stage manager and directors to understand their vision for the show.
Analyzed the script to identify key moments and created a comprehensive cue sheet.
Incorporated ideas from the stage manager, directors, and added personal creative input.
On the day of the tech rehearsal, started programming the main looks into the lighting board.
Communicated effectively with the stage manager during the tech rehearsal.
Addressed any fast cues that could potentially affect the stage manager's responsibilities.
Photos by Reagan Cochrane
The State Line
In a pivotal script moment, the family reaches the trail's end, facing a symbolic "state line" toward freedom. I used a 90-degree barrel and closed the shutters to visually create this impactful transition.
Photos by Reagan Cochrane
Photos by Reagan Cochrane
An URCA is the University Research Creativity Award that students can apply for and if they are awarded they get grants to help them display their artform.