Once On This Island

"Once on This Island" is a musical that tells the enchanting and poignant story of Ti Moune, a peasant girl on a tropical island in the French Antilles. The island is divided between the wealthy Grand Hommes and the marginalized peasants. After saving a rich boy named Daniel from a car crash, Ti Moune falls in love with him and sets out on a journey guided by the island's gods to prove that love is stronger than social class divisions. The musical explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the power of storytelling, all set to a captivating Caribbean-inspired score. The gods, representing different aspects of nature, play a crucial role in shaping Ti Moune's destiny as she learns valuable lessons about life and the human spirit.

Master Electrician 

Photos by John Dixon

Rain Lights 

In order to capture the rain that fell on stage in the light three source four pars with 750 lamps and very narrow lenes in them accompanied with blue gels were placed down stage near the main rag. 

Photos by John Dixon 

Erzulie's Crowns

We noticed during tech that the main crown that had fairly LED lights on it was flickering off and on. I check the solder points and saw that they were small and almost nonexistent 

I cut and restripped the burnt wire then re soldered it to the battery pack.

I then glued the fairy light LED pack back to the back of the crown and then we placed wire to reinforce the crown

The second crown also had fairy LED lights that were powered by ULINE AA batteries that were also changed nightly 

Photos by John Dixon

Other Lighting tasks

LED Lights 

Strands of LED bulb lights adorned the entire set, casting a vibrant glow. Motherboards strategically positioned behind the set pieces powered these illuminating gems.

Truck Headlights

For a unique lighting twist, we repurposed Toyota Tacoma truck headlights, soldering them to jump wires. Connecting these to a motherboard allowed wireless control directly from the light board, adding an extraordinary touch to the visual spectacle.